Tashkent branch of UZEX holds series of seminars | News

24 Mar 2017
In order to fulfill the tasks outlined in the State Program "Year of Dialogue with the People and Human Interests", UZEX together with the territorial department of the Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan and local khokimiyats held a series of meetings and training seminars in the districts of Tashkent city and Tashkent region.
The event was attended by entrepreneurs, employees of budget organizations, other participants of electronic trading as well as representatives of the general public and the media.
It was noted at the seminars that UZEX pays special attention to the organization of effective feedback with clients and the population. The most popular methods of interaction are interactive services of the exchange including a call-center, online consultation, price monitoring, legal advice and forms of filling. In addition, citizens' applications are submitted in electronic form on the Exchange's special information portal and through the Single Portal of Interactive State Services.
Along with this, a number of interactive services of the exchange are available in the users' personal cabinet. This service provides an opportunity for participants of electronic exchange trades to check the status of exchange transactions, current state of accounts, results of completed transactions in real time, and also to get acquainted with the details of clients.
The portal also has an anonymous questionnaire service through which users can leave their opinions about shortcomings in the activities of the exchange. They help to improve the quality of exchange services.
In addition, the seminars discussed participation in electronic trading on state and corporate purchases of the exchange. In particular, the requirements of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 27, 2016 No. 242 "On measures to further improve the special information portal of Uzbek Republican Commodity Exchange and processes of implementation of state and corporate purchases were considered separately. Thus, the rules to post and disclose information on the Exchange's special information portal, procedure for accreditation and procedure for participation in electronic tenders, timing of the placement of announcements and applications, responsibility of customers and suppliers while concluding transactions, as well as details of the activities of the Special Commission for Disputes Solution on state and corporate procurement were explained.
The seminars also provided detailed information on advantages of electronic trading platforms of the exchange and the measures taken to further improve the efficiency of the exchange's activities.

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