The coal market is gradually developing | News

22 Feb 2017

In 2016, the sales volume of coal at exchange trades of UZEX reached 91 thousand tonnes, 22% up year-on-year. The average monthly sales of all brands amounted to 7.6 thousand tons.

During the past year, the price of coal grade BASS declined from 109.3 thousand to 105.1 thousand soums per ton, grade BR – from 109.3 thousand to 91.2 thousand soums per ton.

Noticeable changes were also observed in the structure of the acquisition of coal in terms of regions. The Tashkent region in the past year strengthened its leading position by 13% having gained 46% of the coal exchange market. The next positions were occupied by Kashkadarya and Samarkand regions, with 18% and 14% shares respectively.

As for the current year, since the beginning of 2017, some 10.5 thousand tons of coal were sold through exchanges, with an increase compared to the same period last year by 6.4%.

The main consumers of solid fuel in Uzbekistan are the population, budget and communal spheres.

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