On September 6, the Central guest hall of the Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan saw a meeting of specialists of the Treasury and "UZEX" with representatives of the public organizations of the Tashkent city and Tashkent region.
The purpose of the event was the explanation of the purpose, essence and content of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers "On measures for further improvement of special information portal of JSC "Uzbek Republican commodity exchange", and implementation of processes of public and corporate procurement" dated 27.07.2016, No. 242.
The event discussed new rules for the placement and disclosure of information at the information portal of the commodity exchange.
In particular, as was noted at the seminar, in accordance with the new order, it is prohibited to conclude a contract, if information about the public or corporate procurement regardless of their method of implementation, is not published on a special information portal of the stock exchange. The responsibility for the violations is laid on the managers of enterprises and officials, responsible for the procurement.
Additionally, those suppliers who are included in the register of unfair suppliers are unable to participate in the process of public and corporate procurement.
During the live discussion, the budget holders were able to get answers and comments of experts on the enforcement of the resolution.
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