Another week ended on UZEX with the growth in sales | News

13 Apr 2015

Sales in the UZEX for the period from March 30 to April 5, increased from 149.6 billion soums to 152.6 billion soums, which is not typical for the beginning of a new month. The main growth factor was the increased activity of the bidders on almost every exchange trading platform.

In particular trading volume for the week rose by 6.2% to 122.3 billion soums. While the share exchange market in the total volume of transactions increased from 76.9% to 80%. The volume of transactions concluded on the currency trading platform was 1.5 million USD. The share of polyethylene in the export market was 68%, petroleum slack - 29%. Outsider week was carbamide - 3%.

The volume of exhibition trades over the past week and was relatively fell 15.5 billion soums. The amount of export transactions amounted to 124.5 million soums, and small businesses sold products worth 12.2 billion soums.

Despite the decline in sales to 4.8 billion soums, machinery continues to lead the rating of the most sold product groups. The second place went up to the amount of steel products to 2.7 billion soums and closes the top three construction materials - 1.5 billion soums. The biggest deal of the week on the implementation of paving slabs to 1.0 billion soums lies in Samarkand branch.

The volume of public procurement in the last week increased by 24.1% to $ 7.9 billion soums. The amount of budget savings also increased from 1.8 billion to 2.1 billion soums. The share of small business in the total volume of transactions remained at the level of 100%.

The biggest deal of the week at 81.0 million soums enclosed containers for delivery in Angren. Maximum number of online providers of appeals, or 31 counter-proposal, received service requests for supply of office supplies in Pastdargom district of Samarkand region.

Positive dynamics is also formed in the corporate procurement, which increased from 6.4 billion to 7.1 billion soums. At the same time financial savings of customers exceeded 1.4 billion soums or 17.0% of the initial cost of procurement. The share of small businesses in the total volume of transactions was held 98.6%.

In the course of auction trades, Corporate Procurement on each application received an average of 6 or more counter-offers from suppliers. The maximum number of proposals received per application has reached 28. The share of goods among the committed transactions amounted to 89%, respectively, the proportion of works and services - 11%.

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