Uzbek Commodity Exchange took part in the regional industrial fair and cooperation exchange | News

12 Jun 2015

On June 5-6, a metropolitan branch of the Uzbek Republican Commodity Exchange (UZEX) took part in the Tashkent regional industrial fair and cooperation exchange. During the event, employees of a branch carried out information work, concluded deals at fair system, as well as organized a quiz, where the winners received valuable prizes.

Regional Industrial Fair offers a huge opportunity to businesses and organizations of all forms of ownership and subordination, not only to present their products, but also to familiarize themselves with technical innovations and novelties of production, achievement of different industries, to identify the needs in the near future in the material and technical resources, equipment, accessories and spare parts.

More than 10,500 industrial enterprises are functioning today in the city of Tashkent, about 10.2 thousand of which – enterprises of regional subordination. By the results of 2014, the volume of industrial production of enterprises in the city amounted to about 14 trillion soums, the share of regional enterprises in the industry - more than 60%. The share of manufacturing in the gross regional product of the city is 21.8%. Hereby a range of products produced is consistently growing, product diversification enhanced. An important role in the development of small business has shown industrial cooperation of small enterprises with large enterprises.

This year the number of participating enterprises of Tashkent regional industrial fair and cooperation exchange was about 250 enterprises (1.1 times more than in 2014). By the results of two days of the fair, a branch of the Uzbek Commodity Exchange concluded contracts with various companies, including on the implementation of footwear and delivery of software products through the fairground trades.

The best companies in various categories will be determined according to the results of the regional industrial fair and cooperation exchange.


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