UZEX summed up the first quarter | News

05 May 2015

On May 2 of this year, an enlarged meeting of the Board of UZEX dedicated to the results of the exchange in the first quarter of 2015, as well as the setting of targets for the second quarter. The meeting was attended by heads of departments of the central office and regional branches.

During the meeting it was noted that in the first quarter of this year on all trading platforms exchange transactions concluded on 2.01 trillion soums. Through the exchange trades sold goods 1.6 trillion soums, while their share in the total turnover of the commodity exchange dropped from 84.5% to 80.6%, due to the growth rate of other trading platforms.

In particular, the positive trend in sales observed in the system of fair trading, as well as government and corporate procurement. This fairground trades during the reporting period showed the highest growth rate - 32.2%, or up to 231.1 billion soums.

For the reporting period also greatly improved access of private entrepreneurs to raw materials, as evidenced by their active participation in the exchange, trade fairs and auctions. In the first quarter of 2015 entrepreneurs were purchased on the stock exchange products at 1.1 trillion soums, which is 25.5% more than in the first quarter of 2014. In addition, they have implemented their own production to 401.4 billion soums, or 46.9% more than in the same period last year. The share of volume of transactions concluded in the total amount of entrepreneurs on the exchange of transactions amounted to 75.2% versus 58.2% in the comparable period last year. The growth of transactions with the participation of business in almost all regions of the country.

In turn, the significant increase in sales volume in electronic trading products produced by entrepreneurs, testifies to the effectiveness of the measures on the use of the capacities of small enterprises in the provision of public and corporate procurement.

On public procurement volume of electronic trading in the «D-xarid» increased to 78.3 billion soums, or 18.6%, and budget savings amounted to 22.0 billion soums with an increase in the same period of 2014 by 22.5 %. The share of small businesses in the delivery of goods (works, services) in public procurement through electronic auction trading was more than 99% of the transactions took place and the total amount of transactions.

The volume of corporate procurement - «E-xarid» increased by 20.1%, amounting to 80.7 billion soums. This saved funds for 18.4 billion soums, against 15.6 billion in the first quarter of 2014. The share of small business in the delivery of goods (works, services) for corporate purchases reached 97%.

At the end of the meeting were also identified problems in the second quarter, including designated priority areas such as the provision of high levels of growth of transactions on all trading platforms, exchanges, simplifying procedures for the accreditation of bidders, improving service advising clients, further introduction of ICT and others.

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